A sitemap is a file which includes the different pages of a site and the way to them through the sections of the site. The web pages can be organized visually or as simple text and this type of a file is very useful for 2 reasons. The first is that it makes it a lot easier for the website visitors to discover a certain page they need, which means that they can navigate your site better and a lot quicker, which in turn will increase their user experience and it will be more likely that they will come back to the Internet site or will recommend it to other people. One more reason is that a sitemap enables search engines to index your content better, particularly if it's updated, so if users are looking for specific content, it's more likely that they'll find your Internet site since it will be listed higher in their search engine results. In case your website is not indexed effectively, it may not show up for some searches, so even when you have what people want, they will not get to your website.

SiteMap Generator in Shared Website Hosting

In case you host your sites in a shared website hosting account from our firm, you'll have a very easy-to-use sitemap generator at your disposal. The software tool can be accessed from the Hepsia Control Panel and it'll permit you to choose any of your domains or subdomains, so the sitemap file will be generated in the site directory where you need it. The simple user interface will enable you to choose the overall number of links that have to be indexed and how deep the indexing has to go. As a more advanced feature, you can also choose the file extensions which should be included in the sitemap - you can use the default ones that include all most popular extensions an Internet site uses like php, html, etc, but in case your Internet site contains more diverse content, you will be able to enter or delete an extension before you create the sitemap for a selected site.

SiteMap Generator in Dedicated Servers

The Hepsia website hosting Control Panel that is provided with our dedicated server plans comes with an inbuilt sitemap generator which will enable you to make a search engine friendly sitemap with only a couple of clicks for any site hosted on your server. The software instrument has an exceptionally easy-to-use interface and enables you to choose several options for the sitemap - the depth of the links the generator has to follow through the pages, the maximum number of links which have to be crawled, and what file extensions to be included. With last mentioned option, you can add and remove extensions freely, so you will be able to choose what content to be included in the sitemap. That way, you can remove certain content and add any kind of custom files which you might have on the site and you may want to be included for website visitors and search engines.