When you use a script-driven application on your site and all of the content that you generate is stored in a database, your website hosting plan should include ample database storage, in order to ensure that even when the site expands, you will not have any kind of difficulties as a consequence of the lack of storage space. PostgreSQL is a great example of a well-liked database administration system which is used for lots of scalable web applications and if you want top-notch performance and security for your site, it's more than likely that you will use this solution. With this in mind, you'll need a website hosting package that will not bound your online presence, especially if you would like to run multiple websites and each of them uses PostgreSQL databases.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Shared Website Hosting

We provide a large number of shared website hosting plans so as to offer you a choice to pick the attributes that you truly need and not pay extra for options that you won't use. For this reason, the PostgreSQL storage is an optional improvement that you'll be able to add via your Hepsia Control Panel to some of the plans; with others you receive a pre-defined allowance, while with the top packages you get unrestricted database space. Because you can quickly switch between the plans or upgrade particular attributes, you may start with a lower-end one and eventually upgrade if you wish to host PostgreSQL-driven sites. Needless to say, in case you would like to launch this type of a website from the start, you can choose the most suitable plan which has PostgreSQL support by default.