RAM, that means Random Access Memory, is a computer storage media which can be accessed much quicker than a hard disk, due to the fact that the information can be read randomly, skipping the bytes before the needed info is reached. On a hosting server, the RAM is employed to load scripts and web applications once they are executed, so the more RAM you are able to use, the more programs you shall be able to run concurrently and the more people will be able to surf your sites with no effect on the site’s/server’s performance. Different from a disk drive, however, the RAM is employed for short-term storage purposes, since the information is lost as soon as the power is shut off. If you use a shared web hosting account, the physical memory which your scripts can use may be limited and could change depending on what the other customers on the same server use. With a virtual or a dedicated server, however, you'll have a set amount of RAM which won't be used by others even if you don't use it at a given time.

Guaranteed RAM in Dedicated Servers

All our dedicated server plans include a great deal of physical memory, which will enable you to run rather heavy web applications with no difficulties. We use brand new and meticulously tested hardware components when we build a new hosting server to make sure that there will not be any troubles of any sort. The RAM memory isn't an exception and if you buy a dedicated server, we will make sure that you get the best general performance possible from the configuration that you have chosen. Even if we discover that you're not using the entire capacity of the hosting server, we will not modify the hardware in any way, so the total amount of RAM that'll be available will always be the same. You are able to check out the configuration, including the physical memory, inside your billing Control Panel at any time.